Tuesday, August 26, 2008


This is Veronica with Miesta Moose! Beth meets Miesta Moose!
They came all the way from Wyoming!
Love the sunglasses!
These are pictures of the Q&A panel during the Siesta Fiesta. We were able to ask Beth, Amanda and Melizza questions, NO, I didn't ask, I was scared I'd cry if I spoke! One of the most important things that I got from this, that spoke directly to me was, do not let you quiet time become your ministry time. My quiet time is my time with God. (Now, I'm adding in my stuff. But I remind myself of this alot. This is where God speaks directly to me and I need to value that most.) But she said if you're in ministry or teach a class, or whatever, don't use your quiet time to prepare for your lesson. That needs to be separate. And start each day, before God, before anything else, give it to him. Even if it's only a minute. Just bow down and give your day to Him.
Beth and Melissa and
Amanda, Beth and Melissa

This next picture is a lady that I was sitting by on Saturday. It was our commission statement. I call it our vow!~ Her and I were loners, so we paired up and said our statements together. We were both bawling by the time it was over! She has a great ministry. Her husband just died several months ago. They rode bikes and they helped with Homeless Missons. She also sells Mary Kay and has been known to go over the the transition home and give women free makeovers. I thought that was so sweet! Of course, you know we love bikers in this family! I thought it was so good of her that she is keeping in her ministry. She said all the people that they serve with have been very good to help take care of her. And, of course, you know me, I didn't write her name down. UGH!!! I hate that about myself! Anyway, I gave her by blog address. If you should happen to see this picture of yourself, would you comment and tell me your name? It's killin me!!!!
These are two ladies from the Siesta Fiesta. Lisa, the Preacher Wife! and Patty! These ladies are so sweet and I'm glad to have been able to meet them. They worked so hard to put this thing together. So did Holly and Kim, but I did not get pictures :(
BTW- I did straighten my hair, but the humidity, oh my goodness! It's awful, just awful!
This is Julie and myself! We are eating dinner the night before it is time to go home. We had such a good time! The waiter took a really really long time so we were there about three hours, it couldv'e been longer, I lost track of time!

This is Angie, Julie, Cari, Kristi, and Shanda standing behind Kristi. This is us four standing outside the Alamodome Friday night after the conference.

Angie, Cari, Me, Julie, Kristi


jennyhope said...

Love the pics and I am TOTALLY digging your dress in the last pic!!
I get all of those journal from Walmart...Some people don't like Walmart...but I have to get those rolled back prices. LOL!!
They are in the planner section for like 5 dollars and you can use it for a long time. Thank you for your sweet comment!!

Bridgette said...

Yea, you and me both! I loved the spiral bound notebooks they had for back to school! It was like, one for my daughter, one for me!

connorcolesmom said...

Girl I can not believe you were on my plane and DID NOT SAY HI!

That would have been a blast to see another SIESTA
God did sit me next to one on the plane and we talked the ENTIRE way back to ATlanta - hehe
You are too cute!
Next time please come up and say hi
Love ya

Michelle V said...

Bridgette, I'm happy that we got to meet at the dome Friday night! It was such an amazing weekend! I love your pics!


GratefulinGA said...

Hey Bridgette,
I will keep an eye out for your friend there. I recall seeing her, but never got her name

Have a good and safe weekend
bless you girl!