Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Daniel Bible Study Part 1

Well, we finished part 1 of the Daniel Bible Study this week. What a great Bible Study! I have had such a good time getting together every week with all my Bible Study girls! We have learned alot, laughed alot and shared alot with each other! It has been great. I love going to Bible Study! When everything else doesn't make sense, God's Word does! What fun it is to share what we've learned all week and discuss how it applies to us. Even the bad stuff! I have seen a few things take place these past six weeks. I've seen women grow in their relationships with one another. I've seen women come together each week and pray for one another! I've seen women excited about studying God's Word and LEARNING! we have learned alot! I've seen God answer prayers that these women have lifted up to Him! I've seen God speak to us, teach us and change us! Here's a few things that I learned: God's sovereignty God is able to humble the proud God is actively involved in our lives God has declared me (us) a Holy Vessel and I (we) need to treat myself (ourselves) as such. God sets up and deposes, meaning, He gives and He takes away! When God has to do some pruning in our lives, even if there is nothing left but the stump, he will grow us back with healthy branches! God sees, God hears, and God knows, what happens to his people. He is the Ancient of Days! He has been here since before the beginning of time and He sits on His Throne. He is Judge. When we feel like things have happened and people have gotten away with stuff and the innocent is suffering, or if we feel like no one is standing up for us and fighting the battles for us, GOD IS! We can live in this culture and in this society and be relevant without letting it corrupt us. He has appointed us at this particular time, in this particular place, right where we are, to be DANIELS. Like Daniel, we can resolve to be consistent in our walk with Christ, to actively live out our faith, and to trust and believe that God is sovereign and He is able! I can't wait to start Part 2! Have a good week!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tiny Hearts (UPDATED with Lyrics!)

Today is National Day of Remembrance for Pregnancy and Infant Loss.

The song you hear playing is written by Robbie Lee. He and his wife are very good friends of ours. They loss of three babies due to miscarriage, and Robbie wrote this song for his wife, Christi, and gave it to her as a Christmas present. They have three children in heaven, and three here on earth; Christopher, Gabriel and Carolina.

You can visit the House of Thomas website

For more stories of women who have lost babies and support, visit this site

I pray for each of us that have ever lost a child through abortion, miscarriage or birth, that we would find comfort in the fact that HE holds our Tiny Hearts; forever in that place. One day, we will all gather at the table...



Here are the lyrics to the song, Tiny Hearts.

Tiny Hearts Words and Music: Robbie LeeCopyright �2005 by Robbie Lee BMI All Rights Reserved [Verse 1]

As we stand here

Broken and confused

With our faces to the ground

To cover the fatal wounds

If only words can comfort now

I've got nothing to bring

But I know someone, yea I know someone

And He holds everything Days run in to nights and on tomorrow

But there's no need to cry because I know [Chorus]

There are three tiny hearts beating

Keeping time singing

With angels shouting, "Hallelujah!"Now,

He's taken them higher

And holding them tighter

Than we could ever long for

Our children say, "Daddy will we ever see them?"

Oh yes we will

When we're gathered at the table

A day when the heavenly host lead us in grace

And our hearts beat, they will always beat forever in that place [Verse 2]

If we could see beyond

Grey skies like a river running on and on

We would see what's shining and we would find

More love coming with open arms Lost in a world we don't belong

But there's one thing I'm sure we can depend on



Carolina's dancin' to the beat of Christopher's drum

Gabriel will you blow your horn tonight

Because we know [Reprise]

Three tiny hearts beating

Keeping time singing

With angels shouting, "Hallelujah!"Now,

He's taken them higher

And holding them tighter

Than we could ever long for

Three tiny hearts beating

Forever in that place

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Post about Nothing!

Well, it's been a crazy week! Lots of stuff going on. Good stuff and bad stuff. But, mostly good, because when I think about what all God has done and is doing in my life and in the lives of others, I realize, just how good He is! God is good all the time and all the time, God is good! So, I just wanted to take a moment to praise Him and thank Him for what He is doing! We have an exciting weekend coming up. We have family coming over from Alabama and they will be going to church with us on Saturday night. and as it turns out, Randy is able to play during the worship service Saturday night! Yea! They've never been able to really see him play so they are thankful too! We are going to my niece's soccer game on Sat. am and then my daughter Rebecca has a chorus concert Sunday afternoon. Busy weekend, but exciting!
This past weekend, Randy, Maegan and Mick, were able to play for a fundraiser event at Chick-fil-A in Jonesboro. They did a great job and it was their first "real" gig together! I'll post a pic or two! It is so neat to see them get to do this sort of thing. Since these opportunities have come up for my son, I've noticed a great change in his walk with Christ. He has some things he is putting together, which has in turn, lead him right to the scriptures and to Christ himself. He is really enjoying this. I'm sure I've mentioned this before; I pray that my kids would know that God is real, and that they would know this at a young age. So many times, we and kids, think of God as being far away in heaven somewhere. We know he is there, but he just seems too far away. When we can really grasp the understanding that he isn't just "the man upstairs", and that He is God and He is real, it helps us to make good decisions when we face temptation. We desire a relationship with Christ and we want to do what is pleasing to Him. Mick, the one that is alot older as Maegan so tactfully said at the show on Saturday!, has done a great job in helping Randy and Maegan learn the songs. He is older! He is an adult that attends church with us and he plays the drums. Randy asked him if he could play the drums for Him and Maegan and thankfully he was able! Randy and Maegan already had their songlist picked and Mick just jumped right in, learned the songs, and helped them in anyway he could! It is so encouraging to see him taking time to help them! Which brings me to the conclusion of this little blog post of nothing!
I am so thankful for the people that God has placed, not only in my life, but in the lives of my children! They have so many people, family and friends, who are there to help support them and encourage them to use their talents and gifts that God has given them. You know, when we are able to use our gifts that God has given us, we grow. When we hold back, and do not use our gifts, for whatever reason, it can keep us from growing into that which God has prepared us for. At church, we have a Wed. night praise band, where the youth are able to use their musical gifts and help lead worship for the youth group. We have several guitar players and singers, which rotate out every week. But, along side of them, are some adults, who work very hard to put together music for them every week and then not only that, they help them learn it and they spend time just encouraging them as they learn it. I watched them last week, and again, just so thankful, that God has put those adults in the lives of those teens. Here is a place, where they can come, express themselves, use their gifts and be accepted. With everything that they face in this world, I thank God, that they have this place to come to. These adults are not just there to play music, they are there investing in the lives of these young kids, teaching them about music, but along the way, these kids, are going to learn about who God really is and just how special they are to Him! He is so Awesome!
So, I guess this post really isn't about nothing...
I guess you could say that it's about everything!
Here's some pics! Have a great weekend!