Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ruth Day 1

This week in our Coffee, Chocolate and Conversation gathering at church, we discussed friends and what they mean to us. I gave them an assignment to read the story of Ruth. I will be posting "homework" to go along with the reading this week. As you study this, think about your friendships in the past, present and the ones that are developing. Also, what kind of friend are you? Do you consider God to be your friend? Read Ruth 1:1-7 Draw a family tree showing Naomi's family. (it's not that long! :) They left their home and family in Bethlehem, where did they go and why? Naomi's sons marry women from _____________, what were there names? Now add them to the family tree that you made earlier! Verse seven: "With her two daughters-in-law she left the place where she had been living and set out on the road that would take them back to the land of Judah." What happened to make her return to her home? Keep your homework in a safe place! I will post more tomorrow! Hope you have a great day! Love ya!


janet said...

I am so proud of you, girl---your faithfulness to your God and the young women who surround you. God bless you sweet Bridgette
aunt janet

Anonymous said...

Tried to post but failed; I am proud of your faithfulness to your God and the women who surround you.
Hugs, Janet