Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chapter 1 ends with Naomi and Ruth arriving in Bethlehem at the Beginning of the Barley Harvest. Chapter 2 introduces a man named Boaz. In verses 1 and 2, what two things does it tell you about Boaz? (Add him to your family tree!) verse 3- Ruth begins to glean the fields. Look up Deut. 24-19-22. What is the purpose of gleaning? Why does God command it? (v.22) Now even if you know this verse, look it up and read it. John 15:22 What does it say? Now... What is the first and greatest commandment? What is the second? (HINT: Matthew 22: 37-39) God commands for us to love others and to help people in need! We must always remember that we were once slaves, held captive in our own Egypt, and he set us free! We must share God's love and grace to those around us. What are some ways that you can help others and love others this week? Read Isaiah 61:1-2 and compare it to Luke 4:14-21. WOW! The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him and then he says to them, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." Thank Him today for what he has done for you. Then get out there show some love!

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