Monday, September 29, 2008
Actively Involved
This weekend we were honored to attend a sweet sixteen birthday party. Her and Randy are good friends at church and they actually play together in the band. As I watched her family at this party, I saw how actively involved they are in their daughter's life. It was a beautiful party and her parents made it so special for her. Her Dad brought her up on the stage and read to her Proverbs 31. He spoke to her about being a Godly woman and how she was worth more than jewels to him, her mother and to God. Then he proceded to give her a pearl set and they helped to place the ring, necklace and bracelet on her. This was for her to remember that she is a jewel in the eyes of God. It was an absolutely beautiful moment. He then took her by the hand, led her down the stage and onto the dance floor where he danced with his daughter to the song; you guessed it!, Butterfly Kisses! Actively Involved!
I can't tell you how many times we tell our kids these words,
"We're all up in your kool-aid!" It is a little joke around here now!
But you know, it can be challenging to be actively involved in our kids lives. The older they get, the more "privacy" they think that they need. Each child is unique and has their own special gifts and talents that God has given them. As parents, we want to help our kids accomplish goals in their lives and we want to see them succeed. We model for them how to act and re-act. We teach them how to build relationships with God and with others. We try very hard to be careful to let them become the person that GOD has created them to be and not what WE want them to be! Most of us parents want to see all the good in our children and love them and spoil them rotten! Our kids may not agree with the "It hurts us more than it hurts them" mentality! It isn't easy to disipline our children when they need it and it is even difficult at times to know how to disipline them. To be actively involved in our children's lives is sometimes challenging due to many different factors.
I struggle to be actively involved in my children's lives.
I make mistakes in guiding my children.
I do not know the best way to handle every situation.
I do not know the end result.
In our Bible study last week we looked at the word Providence.
According the Harper's Bible Dictionary this is what it says:
"God has a plan and purpose for his world. Providence is not a principle of orderliness or reason; rather, providence is the will of the creator who is actively involved in moving his creation to a goal. History is not a cyclical process of endless repetition; history is being moved toward the predetermined end."
How does that speak to you?
He is actively involved in every detail of our lives.
He does not make mistakes.
He always knows exactly what to do.
He knows the end result.
With everything that is happening around this world, it comforts me to know that He, the God of the Universe, is in control! He is actively involved! He loves his children and wants to spoil them rotten! He also, doesn't like to disipline his children, but it is for their own good, even though they can't grasp the mentality of, "This hurts me more than it hurts you!" He is all up in our Kool-aid! The thing that I love most of all; is that, just like our children bring us joy, we bring God joy! He created us for a purpose. With a goal. He wants us to reach the finish line! He gives us everything we need so that we can.
He is actively involved in helping us reach the finish line.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Prayer Warriors
This was a topic that came up a lot in my conversations and in my Bible Study this week. We're doing the Daniel Bible Study by Beth Moore. In the study, we took a close look at Daniel chapter 2 this week. In verses, 17-19, Daniel goes back to his friends and urges them to plead to God for mercy. You can read the text in the chapter to get a better vision, but they were facing execution by the King of Babylon unless God revealed to them the mystery of the dream of the king! So, picture something like that taking place in your life. Hopefully, you aren't facing execution by the king! Although there are many people in this world who are killed everyday for what they believe. As I am writing this, I am reminded to pray for the missionaries and the persecuted church around the world. There are many people who face death for choosing Christ. We are very blessed to be able to blog and talk openly about our faith, without worrying if it will cost us our life. I wonder if we would be as strong as Daniel and his friends. What made them so strong? In verse 23, He says to God, "You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us the dream of the king." Daniel and his friends, urgently sought after God, asking him for mercy, for wisdom, for knowledge. They worshiped him and praised him all through the night. It was during the night that the mystery was revealed to Daniel.
When we face trials in our life, how do we react?
Do we seek him urgently? Do we call on our prayer warriors and worship God and praise Him?
Or here's a question, Do you have a group of prayer warriors? When I asked myself this question, I was trying to think, when is the last time, that I called on some people and we prayed together. Now, I am surrounded by people who pray for me. My husband prays for me. We have recently gotten a lot better at praying with each other and for each other. Which I am so thankful for! I know that the ladies in my Bible Study group are all praying for me and for each other. I feel very comfortable talking with them and sharing prayer request with them. I have friends and family that I know pray for me and I can call them anytime and request prayer. I have people who call me and request prayer and I pray for them. But, on a personal level, when you feel like you are being attacked, or something comes up with your job, or your children and grandchildren, or your health, how do you handle it. I feel that God is speaking to me that I need to be more personal in my prayer life. Oh, I love him! I praise Him! I worship him! I pray to him! But there are times, when I need to be very deliberate about seeking him urgently. I am guilty of saying, I'll be praying for you! I need to pray right then with them! Oh, it is hard! It is personal! It is pouring out our heart to God in front of others! What if I don't sound right or say the right words! Do you struggle with these same issues like me?
Here's a little song that popped in my mind that I am sure you all know!
It's Me, It's Me, O Lord!
Standing in the need of Prayer!
You all have a great week! I love Ya!
Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are his.
He changes times and seasons;
he sets up kings and deposes them.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
He reveals deep and hidden things;
he knows what lies in darkness,
and light dwells with him.
I thank and praise you, O God of my fathers;
You have given me wisdom and power,
you have made known to me what we asked of you,
you have made known to us the dream of the king!
Daniel 2:20-23
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Thirteen Years!
Thirteen Years! That is how long Pat and I have been married! We took a little trip to the mountains this weekend. Friday morning, after the kids got on the bus, we left. My parents picked the kids up from school and the kept them until Saturday night. We had a great time!
Saturday, we went riding around in the mountains. Tomorrow, Monday, will be our actual
anniversary. I am so thankful for what God has done in our lives!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Our Inheritance Post #4
6. I am an heir of God.
The will has been activated.
When we lose a loved one, and there is an estate to be settled, we have to go to the reading of the Will. The Will tells us what is to be done with the things that were left behind. Lots (stuff, money, property) are portioned out to different people or organizations. Jesus Christ became and is our Will. He died on the cross, rose again, and the Will has already been activated! When the time has fully come... we will be given our Lot and Portion!
7. I am an heir of God.
I can be secure!
This is a very important topic here. Everyone, at one time or another, usually deals with Insecurity. Insecurity can lead to destruction! Our young girls today are dealing heavily with this because of the trends in the world that they are facing. Our culture says that we have to look a certain way, be a certain way, etc. Sex is promoted on everything these days, even shampoo uses it to advertise! (this is my own adding here, I buy Herbal Essence alot. I was in the tub and just started reading the back of the bottle and could not believe the way it was describing how to use the product. I was thinking to myself, I don't know if I want Rebecca, my daughter to read this! That's pretty bad, ya'll! We can't even buy shampoo for crying out loud!)
Anyway, this type of stuff causes our young girls to be insecure in who they are as well.
When we are Insecure, we usually tend to want two things:
Affection and/or Affirmation.
Here are some things that can happen because of this.
unhealthy relationships
putting other people up on a pedestal.
talking about what all you have to do in such a way that it is a "chore" for you instead of serving. My preacher, always says, It's not a GOT TO, It's a GET TO! This is what Beth called Exhausted for Christ! This is a desire for affirmation and/or sympathy from fellow believers which can be caused by Insecurity. She also said, if we are exhausted and it is chore work, we need to look at what God is telling us to Let Go of. and We might just need to go to sleep!
We can be secure in who we are because of Christ! We are co-heirs with Christ! We are Royalty! We have a beautiful inheritance.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Our Inheritance Post #3
4. I am an heir of God.
The down payment has been made.
The greek word for Deposit: Arrabon meaning:
a pledge;a part of the purchase, money or property given in advance as a security.
Modern Greek terminology uses it today when talking about engagement rings.
We have an engagement that can not be broken! We are the bride of Christ!
He's already given the down payment for our inheritance! We are sealed and we are His!
He was and is the down payment for our property! He is our Portion!
Here's the thing:
We have the power to live in freedom because he has paid our down payment. He DIED for our freedom and for our inheritance! You have got to choose it! You have got to want it!
Why do we choose to stay in that which holds us in bondage, when the down payment has been payed?
What if:
- We quit living like a victim
- We no longer used our past as an excuse
- We no longer quit trying to be someone else!
These things were not said to condemn but to help set us free! We have the power within us, but we have to believe it! We have to know we have it and then believe that He is able and that He has called us! He loves us. He loves us!
Let's make the decision today to start calling on that power within us, and choose to believe that He is able and make some changes in our lives! Let's choose to live in Freedom!
Okay! next point!
5. I am an heir of God.
My boundary lines form in pleasant places.
What things form our boundaries?
A. Intimacy with God- we will not go any further or higher than our
intimacy with God. He wants to work in us. Never allow ministry
to take away our intimacy. Do not use our quiet time to get
ready for lessons. This is Your Personal time with God.
B. Life Experiences- They help make us who w are in Christ.
You have been given life experiences on purpose to help form
you and help you grow stronger in your faith.
Use you experiences to minister to others.(exp: workplace)
C. Our Past- Some of us might have a past that we like to forget
and pretend it never happened! God allowed it because He Knew
what the outcome would be! He knows everything about you and
he knew that he would use it to make Satan sorry! Your past does
not compare to the Glory of God and His Purpose! Let him use your
past for His Good and His Glory!
D. Gifts- 1 Cor. 12:7 states that the manifestation of the Spirit is
given for the common good. He has equipped us to manifest His
Presence! When you have been called, whatever it may be,
it will be beyond you, you will need the Spiritual Gift that he has
equipped you with to do whatever he has called you for!
So, our boundary lines, fall in pleasant places! In the center of all that, we must have faith!
We have to believe God to take over! Is God invading all of your boundary lines! Where is the enemy standing on your land? If God is not in every part, Satan is there!
Your Intimacy with God, Your Life Experiences, Your Past and Your Spiritual Gifts!
They are yours, Do not give PLACE to the devil!
I will post the other three on Monday or Tuesday. You all have a great weekend!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Our Inheritance Post #2
Okay, Ladies! We're gonna get it through our heads,
that we are an heiress of God!
We have a beautiful inheritance!
I will post 4 points today, and the next 4 on Friday!
1. I am an heir of God.
My life is not left to chance!
I love this! My life does not happen by fate. Everything that happens to us, (the Good, the Bad and the Ugly!), serves a purpose and works to the good of the Lord! The trials we face in this life are not for nothing. They are for a purpose! People, Places, things, EVERY detail. They are a part of our life and they help make us who we are. There are no chances! There are choices! HE can make it a beautiful inheritance! 2. I am an heir of God! I am inheriting a kingdom! Matthew 25:31-35 the kingdom is in us- but we are not yet in it. What are we supposed to do with it since we already have it in us? It's like the parable of the talents in Matthew 25- we are to multiply it. then when Jesus comes- we give it all to him. and then we recieve our inheritance. You see, Jesus lives in us. We have him already. His Holy Spirit dwells within us and His Power dwells within us. But we have not yet been assigned our property! We are not just going to exist in heaven! We are going to LIVE! like we have never lived before! We are to invest in the lives of people around us. Multiply it. Give it to Jesus. We will receive our inheritance. He is preparing for us a kingdom in Heaven where we will have real lives with real people! We will not be see through like ghosts! We will inherit: Presence! People! Property! 3. I am an heir of God. He is my portion.... (I will give you the rest at the bottom of this point) Deut. 10:8-9 The Levites did not receive a portion of land. They were set apart and consecrated to serve along side the priests. They were dispersed into the cities to help and to be a blessing to the others. Listen to what this says: That is why the Levites have no share or inheritance among their brothers; the Lord is their inheritance, as the Lord your God told them. You see? The Lord is their Inheritance! The best thing we could inherit is Him! Now, Look at this: Deut 4:20- the Lord took you and brought you out of... to be the people of his inheritance. Deut: 32:9- For the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob, his allotted inheritance. Who's portion was that? (the Lord's!) What exactly was His portion?(US!) We are the Lord's Portion! Fill in that next part of the statement. He is my portion... and I am His! We are the new Testament priest of God! Through Christ, we have been set apart, consecrated and dispersed all over this planet Earth, to be salt and light to the world, to bless others, to multiply what Christ has given us! WE ARE LEVITICAL PRIESTS! Can you believe it! I just love this stuff! I think I'll stop here for now and let you soak all that in! Or let myself soak it in! Thank you all for letting me share my notes with you! It's getting me fired up again just reading them! I pray tonight as I finish this that all of us would read these and receive what Jesus has done for us. He loves us so much that we have been set apart! Our Life is not left to Chance! We are inheriting a Kingdom! He is our Portion...and We are His! AMEN!
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